Sunday, April 18, 2010

Grace at The Lord's Table (scratch paper)

Central Ideas:
1. Why are we worthy?
2. Why do we think we are not worthy?
a. A mistaken view of faith & works.
b. Do we have to be perfect to come to this table?
b2. Understand, this is not a table of forgiveness, this is a table of the forgiven (remembrance). Hence, only believing sinners may come.
b3. This is not a confessional booth, this is a table of acknowledgment of our Lord's work, not yours(acknowledgment). Hence, only baptized believing sinners may come.
3. Why do we think others are not worthy?
a. We demonstrate a lack of faith in His way & power. (Paul & David were murderers.)
b. It is not up to us to "know a man's heart."
c. Ultimately, we condemn ourselves. (leave the alter and then come back)
4. Grace at The Lord's Table.