Thursday, November 6, 2014

Don't Believe in Charms

The second greatest gift that God gave man is "common grace." Everything good comes from God and He is not limited in His means or by whom He chooses to use.

The theologian Calvin expressed it thus, "that we... cannot do any thing that is good without thee [God]." Even a non-believer glorifies God by their good intellect and/or the products of their hands. Their skill, music, writing, thoughts, actions, and even that which they don't do is temporarily elevated, allowed to exist in a greater plan of good. 

So... Why do some choose to put the Ichthys on their business cards? Is it in hopes of elevating their work? I find that is hardly the case. Instead, quite the reverse. It is used to lull those that think of the symbol as a charm, a speak-easy knock, the secret knowledge that will ensure an honest job from the person who's card it's on. Only charlatans have need to lull their prey and only the naive should believe it.

"Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds." I don't need a charm, nor do I care for those who do. Any reminder I carry is for myself.