Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wanting Movement p1

I find myself wanting to be on the move almost continually. I can feel my body vibrating and only seem to find relief while in motion. It's been simmering under the surface for years; my wife has described it as a wander-lust, but (in recent weeks) I've been intentionally digging under the tension.

Is it the entertainment, the knowledge? Thanks to Netflix and the rest of the internet, I can watch TV anytime regarding almost any subject, but the information soon saturates and the light from the screen soon gives me a headache.

Thanks to my tendency to be more and more sedentary, my legs hurt if I sit too long. At 37, my body fat has begun to distribute to my belly instead of being a butt pad. Hence, sitting also makes my butt hurt. I can only read my Kindle for so long; I have to get up and move.

I could do dishes or through another load of laundry on, but something else still nags my subconscious and makes me want to leave the chair, leave the house, drive a round and get lost at the coffee-shop, the church study, or my bro's place for a few hours until the jitters settle.

Parts of the equation, I already know. More than place, I crave people and (more than that) I crave the interaction, not necessarily their noise.